News list for " maraholdings"

Marathon Digital uses heat generated by bitcoin mining to heat 80,000 Finnish homes

On December 21, US cryptocurrency mining company MaraHoldings (formerly Marathon Digital) announced that it has used the waste heat generated during the bitcoin mining process to provide heating to 80,000 households in the Sata Kunta region of Finland.

2024-12-21 10:21:38
Marathon Digital利用比特币挖矿产生的热量为8万户芬兰家庭供暖

12月21日消息,美国加密货币挖矿公司MaraHoldings(原Marathon Digital)宣布,已利用比特币挖矿过程中产生的余热为芬兰萨塔昆塔地区的8万户家庭提供供暖。

2024-12-21 10:21:38